Monday, June 11, 2012

A Time To Love by Barbara Cameron

This was the Free Friday book for Nook at Barnes and Noble.  It is also part of the Lancaster Quilt Series. 

A Time To Love is a quick summer read about the Amish community.  A former librarian used to love any books about the Amish and frequently passed them on to me.  Some of them were really good, and some of them were quite forgettable.  It got to the point where if I read one or two, they became a formula and there weren't many surprises.

Barbara Cameron's A Time To Love falls into this category.  By the end of the 2nd or 3rd chapter, I knew exactly where it was headed.  It took me less than two hours to read and was a pleasant diversion.  It didn't require much thinking, and I doubt that I will remember it.  I am awfully glad it was free. 


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